Obstacles Are There to Conquer

"The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me." - Ayn Rand

Obstacles are just that - obstacles. They aren't the period on the end of a sentence. If you have enough grit, enough tenacity, enough drive, you will find a way to get around them and finish what you set out to accomplish.

Most people see an obstacle and conclude, "well, I guess this just wasn't meant to be" and call it quits. These people never truly desired success or were willing to put in the necessary work to get there. Running into the obstacle was their easy and convenient excuse to quit.

If you currently have an obstacle in the way of something you truly believe in or want to accomplish, don't stop. Focus, plan, collaborate, be resourceful - do whatever you need to do in order to figure it out. Anything worth having is worth fighting for. The race isn't over yet.


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