Goals Greater Than Obstacles

Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goals. - Henry Ford

"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goals." - Henry Ford

Most people never get started on their goals because of all the 'good' reasons they come up with. The difficulty level, the time it will take, the events they'll miss, the sleep foregone, the resources they lack, or the knowledge they've yet to attain. These things are nothing but obstacles.

Any athlete is fully aware that focusing on anything other than the goal is a surefire way to miss it. Sure, there are frequently obstacles in the way of getting to where you want to be, but focusing on those things instead of keeping your eyes focused ahead is going to slow you down, distract you, and worse - derail you completely.

When beginning your pursuit toward your goals, understand that obstacles are just part of the journey - get used to them, but never allow them to become your focus. Learn to keep your eyes acutely trained on the goal at hand, and don't let anyone or anything disrupt it.


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