Stop Dreaming. Start Doing.

"Vision without action is merely a dream." - Joel A Barker

Everyone has that friend who has a million different business ideas or inventions they've conjured up in their mind. They tell you all about how great their ideas would be and how confident they are that they would work....and then....nothing.

Nothing every happens. Sure, they did a little research, maybe even watched a YouTube video or two on ways they could execute, but nothing every came from it. At first you were excited to hear about their new ideas, but after hearing the 13th business idea and never seeing execution, it becomes nothing more than listening to them daydream. Maybe you're that friend.

Ideas stuck in your head and never executed on are worthless. They won't change your life, make you money, bring you happiness, or make an impact. Stop this cycle. If you have an idea that you are passionate about, just get started. It doesn't need to be perfect. As it's been said, "80% of idea executed on is better than 100% of an idea stuck in your head."

You'd surprise yourself at just how far you can get when you just put one foot in front of the other and start moving. 


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