Little Things Determine Everything

How You Do The Little Things

"How you do the little things is how you do everything."

We are constantly at war. Every feeling, thought, decision, and action is a battle in the form of a fork in the road. We are bombarded with choices literally constantly. Most decisions are small and seemingly infinitesimal.

What harm could there be in hitting the snooze button one more time? What’s the big deal with just one less phone call, rep at the gym, or dollar saved than you committed to? The truth is, how you do the little things is how you do everything.

The real cost is the erosion of your discipline and character. When you make decisions to take the easy way out or not fulfill your commitments, you rob your future self of potential. But that’s not the end of it. We also spit in the faces of those who look up to us and rely on us. We teach them that “good enough” is enough and that’s just not true.

If you want excellence for yourself and for those who you impact, you must be excellent. You must see every decision as a fork in the road that leads in one of two directions — the first is down the wide, easy, and crowded path of mediocrity and regret, while the second is the narrow, difficult, and lonely path to greatness and fulfillment.

Which path will you chose?


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