So many of you treat this life as if it's a practice run. - - I'll do that tomorrow. I'll go back to school next year. Someday I'd like to do that. One day I'll get around to this. - - Stop with this rhetoric.
You don't know whether or not you'll have next year, next month, tomorrow, or even the rest of the day. All you know is that you've got is the moment you're in right now. Stop wasting it.
If you're alive and breathing, reading this right now, it's because God's not done with you yet. There's still more for you to accomplish. You were not meant to lead a mediocre life. You were meant to experience all this life has to offer - IF - you're willing to put in the work to make it happen.
Stop putting things off. This isn't a practice game. This is it. Make it count. It's game time!