The Secret of Getting Ahead

The Secret of Getting Ahead - Mark Twain

"The secret of getting ahead is getting started." - Mark Twain

Someone recently that told us that they've had so many great ideas over the years but have never executed on any of them because when they start thinking of all the things they will need to do in order to make them work, they get overwhelmed and don't even bother starting.

Look around you today at all the different businesses you pass by. These are people that had an idea and executed on that idea. What's crazy is that only a fraction of people actually do that. Can you imagine how much more advanced we'd be as a society if more people just took a chance?

Stop making excuses and coming up with reasons as to why today isn't a good day. TODAY IS a good day. Sit down, create a plan, and get to work.

Check out our CHALLENGE JOURNAL if you're looking for a great resource that can help you do just that.


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