Quotes Alone Won't Work

"Quotes won't work unless you do." Who doesn't love a good quote? There's nothing wrong with sharing them, jotting them down, or putting them up on your wall, BUT are you actually applying them? How many people do you see on social media posting inspirational quotes about digging deep, being successful, being a leader...then you see the real them - the them behind the screen who gives up easily, cuts corners at their job, and doesn't even have the respect of their closest friends and family? Unfortunately this seems to be the standard these days. Rarely do we find someone...

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The Courage to Continue

 "Success is not final, failure is not final: it is the courage to continue that counts." - Winston Churchill Do not define yourself by your successes or failures. Unfortunately, most people do. Most people find some success and grasp onto it with all they've got. Their entire identity becomes tied up in it. You may have heard the verse in Scripture that says, "So the one who thinks he is standing firm should be careful not to fall." [1 Corinthians 10:12] When you've placed your identity in things that can be fleeting, your joy, self-worth, pride, fulfilment, and your very...

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Stop Dreaming. Start Doing.

"Vision without action is merely a dream." - Joel A Barker Everyone has that friend who has a million different business ideas or inventions they've conjured up in their mind. They tell you all about how great their ideas would be and how confident they are that they would work....and then....nothing. Nothing every happens. Sure, they did a little research, maybe even watched a YouTube video or two on ways they could execute, but nothing every came from it. At first you were excited to hear about their new ideas, but after hearing the 13th business idea and never seeing execution,...

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Obstacles Are There to Conquer

"The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me." - Ayn Rand Obstacles are just that - obstacles. They aren't the period on the end of a sentence. If you have enough grit, enough tenacity, enough drive, you will find a way to get around them and finish what you set out to accomplish. Most people see an obstacle and conclude, "well, I guess this just wasn't meant to be" and call it quits. These people never truly desired success or were willing to put in the necessary work to get there. Running...

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