Let Today Be Today
"Don't let yesterday take up too much of today." - Will Rogers Events of the past can haunt you. The failures, the betrayals, the missed opportunities, the broken relationships. These can bring with them deep hurt, pain, and regret. Unfortunately for most, they never find a way to move past them. They allow these moments to play on repeat in their minds day after day. What should have been a moment, becomes a lifetime. We have all experienced, and will again experience, these moments. There's nothing you can do to shield yourself from them; however, the way you respond will...
Goals Greater Than Obstacles
"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goals." - Henry FordMost people never get started on their goals because of all the 'good' reasons they come up with. The difficulty level, the time it will take, the events they'll miss, the sleep foregone, the resources they lack, or the knowledge they've yet to attain. These things are nothing but obstacles.Any athlete is fully aware that focusing on anything other than the goal is a surefire way to miss it. Sure, there are frequently obstacles in the way of getting to where you want...
Embrace The Uncertainty
"Remember, today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday." - Dale Carnegie There's a saying that worry is nothing more than the improper use of your imagination. It's easy to let your thoughts get the best of you and to be fearful of what the future may bring. We tend to conjure up dire situations in our minds and then later realize that things rarely turn out the way we feared. Learning to control our thoughts and not let them get the best of us is a difficult thing to do. It takes focus and the ability to live in...
Think And It Shall Be
"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you're right." - Henry Ford Success and failure are not hard to come by, but between the two, failure is the easiest to find. Most people encounter failure and then allow it to become their identity, their way of thinking, and the filter through which they weigh every decision. Their thoughts literally prevent them from finding success.The person that can keep their mind fixated on their goals without allowing their past failures, current circumstances, or outside influences derail their focus is almost guaranteed to be successful. This person has determined...
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