No Excuses
"If you really want to do something, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse" - Jim Rohn Most people always have a reason for why they can't get started on something right now. "I haven't been able to workout because I've been working so many hours." "I would love to read more, but I'm always so tired by the time I get home." "I'd love to eat better, but I just don't have the time or money to make healthier meals." blah, blah, blah.... These all "seem" like valid excuses, BUT....they're not. If you truly wanted...
Pray For Strength, Not Ease
"I've never asked God to make my life easy, only that he make me strong." What do your prayers consist of? Are you always asking God for material things? For Him to get you that job, bring you that contract, get you out of that jam? When's the last time you asked God to increase your strength, your character, your focus, your perspective, your patience? People fail to realize that your problems don't typically have anything to do with your lack of possessions or even your health. Your problems have everything to do with your ability to handle them and...
Winners Find A Way
"Winners find a way, losers find an excuse." - Tawna Eubanks Isn't it exhausting listening to someone that's always making excuses? No matter what the situation is, you can always rely on them to find a reason as to why they haven't lost the weight, gotten the job, quit their habit, made the money...fill in the blank.These people are a cancer that will spread their loser mentality to you and those around them faster than you could possibly realize.Cut these people out of your life. If you want to win, surround yourself with winners. If you're fine with losing, then...
The How-To-Do-It
"The 'how-to-do-it' will always come to the person who believes that they can do it." - The Magic of Thinking Big Most people will come up with great ideas throughout their lifetime, but few actually do anything with that idea. Why? Because most don't believe that they can actually pull it off. They're scared, afraid of failure, don't know where to begin so therefore they never do. People that come up with an idea and go for it, believing they will figure it out along the way, will typically do it. They may not know what every step looks like,...
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